ERS - Smartphone Check-in Name: Device Phone Number: Contact Phone Number: Street Address: City: Email Address: Select Device: (See how to identify your iPhone model) —Please choose an option—Apple iPhone 14 Pro MaxApple iPhone 14 ProApple iPhone 14 PlusApple iPhone 14Apple iPhone SE 3rd GenApple iPhone 13 Pro MaxApple iPhone 13 ProApple iPhone 13Apple iPhone 12 Pro MaxApple iPhone 12 ProApple iPhone 12Apple iPhone 11 Pro MaxApple iPhone 11 ProApple iPhone 11Apple iPhone XS MaxApple iPhone XSApple iPhone XRApple iPhone XApple iPhone 8 PlusApple iPhone 8 / SE 2nd GenApple iPhone 7 PlusApple iPhone 7OtherAndroid Device (ERS does not service Androids) Passcode for Device: Select Issue: —Please choose an option—Cracked Front ScreenBattery IssuesOther Has the device been exposed to liquid? YesNo Has the device been serviced previously? YesNo Is your phone data backed up? (ERS is NOT liable for data loss, see Terms and Conditions.) YesNo Additional Details: I have read and agree to ERS's terms and conditions.